You’ll often hear that diving headlong into entrepreneurship calls for bravery. But as Amanda Horn shows, it’s really about having conviction, and believing strongly in both your own abilities as well as the outcomes your innovative ideas can help drive.

Amanda is the founder of Loless Blue Beauty, a sustainable shave and body care company that’s reimagining beauty products and personal care routines to use less water, less plastic and less waste, creating the next wave of eco-conscious consumers.

And while Amanda strives to protect both human and the planet’s water resources with Loless, she also plays a big role in the larger Blue Economy, which is booming in Eastern Canada.

She’s a Mentor focused on Ocean Science Communication & Brand Storytelling for the Sustainable Ocean Alliance, a Blue Standard Consultant for Oceanic Global, Advisory Board Member for The Canada Node for the UN Ocean Decade Global Early Career Ocean Professionals Programme, and a consultant for the Canadian Ocean Literacy Coalition.

And all of this in just the past couple of years! 

Needless to say, Amanda knows the Blue Economy well, and I can’t wait to pick her brain on what it takes to build a business that supports and benefits from the Oceans in 2024. 

Entrepreneurs are people too—and they need human partners

Amanda Horn of Loless Blue Beauty emphasizes how important it is to keep track of your wins to lift yourself up when the founder’s journey gets you down.

As Amanda explains, to be a founder is to be human. Not every day is a great day on the startup journey, but it’s critical that you document your wins and recall them when times are tough.

It’s also critical that you seek out community partners who are going to be with you during those down times. Whether it’s mentors like Amanda, accelerators or incubators within the Blue Economy ecosystem, or R&D tax credit solutions like Boast: People, not products, make all the difference. 

That’s key to our mission at Boast. While we leverage the latest technology to help streamline operations, it’s the incredible people on our team who bring years of tech know-how and fluency in navigating tax code that sets us apart from any other R&D tax credit solutions. 

Catch the full episode of our conversation with Amanda on our YouTube here.

To learn more about Boast and to connect with one of our R&D tax experts, book a call today.